How do I Add, Edit, or Delete an Inject Owner?

Inject Owners can include a C2, CAA, FBI, IA, IO, and more. You can add, edit, and delete inject owners at any point.

Add Inject Owners

  1. Click the blue Add Inject Owner button.

  2. Type in the Name of the Inject Owner.

  3. Select the Save Changes button. 

Edit Inject Owner

  1. Locate the Name of the Inject Owner.

  2. Press the more options icon (ellipses).

  3. Click Edit Inject Owner

  4. Update the Name of the inject owner.

  5. Press Save Changes.

Delete Inject Owner

  1. Find the Name of the inject owner you would like to permanently delete.

  2. Click the more options icon (ellipses).

  3. Select the Delete Inject Owner button.

  4. Press the Delete button to confirm these changes.

Warning: When an Inject Owner is deleted, it is permanently removed from the workspace.