How do I Add, Edit, or Delete a From To?

The From To is used in the MSEL Inject Details From and To drop-down menus. In some cases, the From To will include Battle Staff, EOC, F-22 Flight, and much more. You can add, edit, and delete From To options as needed. 

Add From To

  1. Click the Add From To button. A new window will appear.

  2. Fill in the Name.

  3. Press Save Changes to make the addition. 

Edit From To

  1. Find the From To you would like to update.

  2. Click the associated more options icon (ellipses).

  3. Choose the Edit From To button. A new window will open.

  4. Update the Name.

  5. Select Save Changes to confirm your updates.

Delete From To

  1. Locate the From To.

  2. Select the associated more options icon (ellipses).

  3. Press the Delete From To button

  4. Click the Delete button.

 Warning: When a From To is deleted, it is permanently removed from the workspace.